Wedding Ceremony Enhancements
Here is just a few samples of Wedding Ceremony Enhancements. Any personal enhancements/ideas can be included in your ceremony.


The phrases ' Tying the Knot', 'Hand in Marriage', 'Bonds of Matrimony' all originate from handfasting. Handfasting is an ancient Celtic ritual in which the hands are tied together to symbolize the binding of two lives and is a beautiful addition to your ceremony. 

Sand Ceremony

The unity Sand Ceremony is a tradition in which a couple pours sand from separate vessels into a unified, central one. ... The tradition is usually performed during the wedding ceremony, and many couples display their vessels of blended sand in their new homes as a reminder of their union.

Blending of Families Sand  Ceremomies

Blending families together with different colour sands is a  beautiful way to show the merging of families.

Unity Candle Ceremony

The Unity Candle represents the coming together or unity of two people or a family.

Ring Warming

The Wedding rings are circulated amongst the guests for them to place love, thoughts and wishes on the rings.

Remembrance of  loved ones

This is a beautiful part of the ceremony where couples / families can acknowledge those who have passed by i.e lighting a candle.